A client recently asked me if there was any way to notify visitors to their Web site that their session was about to expire. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to do this using JavaScript.
First, add the following code block to your standard JavaScript include file. (You are using an included file for your JavaScripts, aren’t you?) Essentially, you want the following piece of JavaScript code to be available on each page:
function ShowTimeoutWarning () { window.alert( "You will be automatically logged out in five minutes unless you do something!" ); }
That little function does nothing more than show a popup message to the user. The text of the message (and the five minutes) duration is arbitrary; you can make them whatever you want.
How will we invoke the popup? By using a simple JavaScript function called setTimeout. Pass two parameters to this function: the name of another JavaScript function to call, and the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before calling that function. I add the following line into the HTML <HEAD> section within a <SCRIPT> tag.
setTimeout( 'ShowTimeoutWarning();', 900000 );
90,000 milliseconds is 15 minutes (15 minutes * 60 seconds per minute * 1000 milliseconds per second), so in 15 minutes the ShowTimeoutWarning() function will be called automatically. Of course, if the user unloads this Web page (by going to another Web page), the timer disappears.
That 15 minute threshold for the timer was based on five minutes less than the 20 minute session timeout in the Web application.
But what if your Web site (like my client’s Web site) had different session timeouts for different users? You can use a little in-line .Net code to dynamically calculate the timeout period. Here’s how I did it for my client — by adding the following lines within a <SCRIPT> tag:
if ( HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole( "User" ) ) { Response.Write( "setTimeout('ShowTimeoutWarning();', " + ( ( Session.Timeout - 5 ) * 60000 ).ToString() + " );" ); }
Notice how I calculated the timeout dynamically by using the Session object’s Timeout property. Session.Timeout is stored in minutes, so subtract your announcement time (5 minutes) from that number, then multiply by 60,000 (milliseconds per minute) to get your user-customized timeout alert.
Shijith says:
Thanks for your material. This helped me a lot to build a suitable code to show popup from my master page
Osama says:
How can I apply this code in a MasterPage using C#?
Thank you,
John says:
Cheap way. The box will still shows up even when I’m continue to work on that page. Best way is get the Last Session Request…
Adrian Hernandez says:
Very useful post, thanks a lot for … but the math is a little off… there are 900,000 milliseconds in 15 minutes, check your own calculation below, there are indeed 60,000 milliseconds in 1 minute.
chitra says:
its working, but i need to navigate the page to login page after i click ok button in alert box…help for this code
Vasilica says:
Useful post when your user has interaction with server(i mean save, submit server extends the session) otherwise if user enters data for 16 minutes, you prompting on 15th minutes the session will timeout? is not valid approach, user was entering data.
khushal says:
Response.AddHeader(“Refresh”, Convert.ToString((Session.Timeout*1000)-10));
increase session time