Most popular posts

Today, Ayende wrote about calculating the most popular blog posts using SubText1. Though his methodology was quite unscientific (rating a comment as worth 3 1/2 aggregator views, and a web view as 1 1/2 aggregator views), it makes enough sense for an unscientific calculation.

Taking his approach, here are the top ten most popular posts on my blog.

  1. ASP.Net, CDO, and ‘The transport failed to connect to the server.’
  2. Installing Linux on Virtual PC
  3. Top 20 geek books (and three of my own)
  4. Selective searching in Windows XP: When search all doesn’t search all
  5. Copying an ADO RecordSet in Visual Basic
  6. CodeSmith Templates for Wilson’s O/R Mapper
  7. New (kind of) CodeSmith templates for Wilson’s O/R Mapper
  8. Compiled version of ASP.Net CSSFriendly Control Adapters (RTM 1.0)
  9. One less reason to use IE: Opera is now free!
  10. Changing the autogenerated password format in the SqlMembershipProvider

It’s funny to look back on this. Among the posts above, one is in a programming language I almost never use (#7), one is on an operating system I almost never use (#2), one is among the shortest posts ever (#9), and one doesn’t really work as much as I thought when I wrote it (#10).

Still, thanks to all those few but faithful readers over the years.

1 At the time this post was written, this blog used the SubText blog engine. We’ve since converted to WordPress.

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