This is the third in a series of articles that build a text editing application using C# and the .NET Framework. Our model application is the Windows Notepad.
What We’ve Done and Where We’re Going
In the first article (.NETDJ, Vol. 2, issue 1), we built the framework of our application: the NetpadForm class, our text editing interface (a TextBox control), and the basic menu bar options. In the second article (Vol. 2, issue 5), we expanded Netpad by adding clipboard commands, an Insert Time/Date command, and a Word Wrap command.
In this article, we’ll add file operations to our application (the File menu’s New, Open, Save, and Save As commands). We’ll ensure these operations are intuitive and follow a logical flow. Finally, we’ll attempt to make our code as generic and reusable as possible (taking advantage of the fact that many of our file operations use similar application logic).
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