While idly browsing through Buy.com’s web site today, I came across a “hot deal” for a wooden spoon.
$16.40 for a wooden spoon? You’ve got to be kidding! Tack on shipping and it’s nearly $23. Do people really pay that much for a wooden spoon? Sure, it’s a Paderno wooden spoon (I guess that means something), but really now… Just do a Froogle search and find a perfectly good 18” wooden spoon made of beechwood for $2.59. Even better, buy a dozen of those beechwood spoons for $1.99 each (plus shipping, of course).
Consider your options:
- Spend $23 and have one wooden spoon for yourself.
- Spend $33 and have one wooden spoon for yourself and one wooden spoon for 11 friends.
Don’t insult grandma and buy an overpriced wooden spoon. She wouldn’t be happy.
harborpirate says:
How does that old saying go? I believe its: A fool and his money are easily parted.