Unit testing an Activerecord domain model with NUnit

[Digression] This post has been sitting in a somewhat unfinished state for a long time. It feels good to finally post it!

In rewriting my baseball game, CSFBL, I made the decision to use Castle ActiveRecord (built on top of NHibernate) to handle the persistence of my domain model. As a result, I needed to find a simple but effective way to unit test this implementation.

The unit tests needed to accomplish the following:

  1. Test the initialization of ActiveRecord (which validates the database schema against the object mappings).
  2. Test object validation (since I am using Castle’s Validation component and the ActiveRecordValidationBase<T> base class).
  3. Ensure that a domain object can be persisted to the database.
  4. Ensure that a domain object can be retrieved from the database.
  5. Ensure that multiple instances of an object with the same persisted primary key are equal.

How, then, do we do this? Continue reading

Building with NAnt (and NUnit, and NCover, and NCoverExplorer)

A while back, I wrote a blog post, A quick introduction to Nant, which gave, well, a quick introduction to building C# libraries using NAnt.

Since then, I’ve been using NAnt to do a lot more — notably, to run unit tests and to report on test coverage (using NCover and NCoverExplorer). The usage is pretty straightforward, and I think you’ll see how each step builds on the previous step.

  • To run a default build (excluding unit tests): nant
  • To build all projects and unit tests (but don’t run : nant build-tests
  • To build all projects and unit tests, and run tests using NUnit: nant test
  • To build all projects and unit tests, and run tests using NCover to generate coverage reports: nant cover
  • To build all projects and unit tests, run tests using NCover to generate coverage reports, and open those reports in NCoverExplorer: nant coverex

The sample below is my NAnt build file. A few notes first.

  • There are only two projects referenced: Project1 and Project1.Tests. Repeat the appropriate sections to build against additional projects.
  • nunit-console.exe is expected to be in the system path.
  • nunit-console.exe, ncover.console.exe, and ncoverexplorer.exe are expected to be in the system path. I recommend you download and install TestDriven.Net to have all of these in a convenient place.

Now, on to the build file. It should be self-explanatory, but I added some XML comments for your convenience.

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