Stopping Internet Explorer 11 from showing the mobile express version of Dynamics CRM 2011

If you have a Dynamics CRM 2011 installation, and users have started using Internet Explorer 11 (either by upgrading from IE10, or by installing Windows 8), then you’ve undoubtedly noticed that, when an IE11 user goes to your CRM site, they are greeted by the Mobile Express version, rather than the standard site. There are a few manual workarounds to this:

  • Downgrade from IE11 to IE10 (not an option for Windows 8).
  • Add your CRM domain name to the compatibility list in IE11 (not an option if you don’t want the entire domain to be in compatibility mode, or if you have group policy settings which prohibit this).
  • Instruct users to go to

That third bullet is interesting… If you go to the root of your CRM domain name in IE11, you will be redirected to the Mobile Express site. If you go to the “main.aspx” page on the root, you go to the full CRM site. Which got me thinking… How can we identify IE11 users accessing the Mobile Express site, and redirect them to /main.aspx?

The solution is in IIS’s URL Rewrite library, which, if you don’t already have, you should get, because I’ve used it before to fix issues related to Dynamics CRM (not to mention its multitude of other uses).

Here’s what our rewrite rule will do:

The full IIS rewrite rule is below. You can drop this into the web.config in the root of your Dynamics CRM 2011 web site, or set it up manually using the URL Rewrite wizard. Either way, when you’re done, you’ll always get the full version of Dynamics CRM when using the IE11 browser.

<rule name="Redirect IE11 from mobile site to main.aspx" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
 <match url="*m/default.aspx" />
 <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false">
 <add input="{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" pattern="*; rv:11.0) like Gecko" />
 <action type="Redirect" url="" redirectType="Temporary" />

By the way, there is only one gotcha: You can’t use IE11 and deliberately go to the Mobile Express site. A small price to pay to fix a much larger problem.

URL Rewriting for user-friendly URLs with Dynamics CRM 2011

Anyone who has attempted to configure Dynamics CRM 2011 with an Internet-Facing Deployment (IFD) knows that it is no trivial task. Where there are blog posts that discuss setting up an IFD, and Microsoft documentation for configuring the IFD, they often assume that ADFS and Dynamics CRM are installed on the same server, and that there is only one Dynamics CRM front-end server. Unfortunately, real-world implementations don’t always follow that.

For example, take the following configuration:

  • a Dynamics CRM front-end server on the internal network, providing services to internal clients
  • a Dynamics CRM front-end server in an Internet-facing zone, providing services to external clients
  • a separate ADFS server accessible to internal and external clients

Dynamics CRM with IFD requires a combination of ADFS relaying party trusts and DNS configuration to get things working. One caveat with IFDs is that the internal and external host names for the Dynamics CRM front-end servers must be different because, externally, the host name includes the CRM organization name. Where, internally, you may have, externally you would have

Let’s flesh out our sample implementation and requirements:

  • is our internal Dynamics CRM front-end server, accessible only on the internal network
  • is our external Dynamics CRM front-end server, accessible to our internal network and the public Internet
  • is our ADFS server, accessible to our internal network and the public Internet
  • We have two Dynamics CRM organizations: CRM and CRM-Test.
  • We want our internal and external (public Internet) clients to access CRM using the same URLs: and In other words, we don’t want the two-URL problem outlined above.

The last bit has nothing to do with Dynamics CRM: it is all done in IIS. Let me explain how. Continue reading